It was really difficult getting going today after a day off. I didn't want to get out of bed. It was super comfy and I must have pressed snooze for nearly 2 hours from 7am. Once I did finally get out though it felt good to be moving again.
I hit the road at 9.30am, which is too late when you plan on riding all day. I could have covered 40/50 miles in those missed 2.5 hours.
It was already 33 degrees C by the time i set off so it was clearly going to be a very hot day. The climate was noticeably much more humid too.
I was quickly out of Pueblo, a town of about 80,000 people. The pattern for the day, and probably the next few weeks emerged. Flat, straight roads with little undulation and few things to look at on the horizon. There were lots of interesting clouds about and I was keeping an eye out for any big cumulo nimbus formations.
It's hard to easily and accurately describe the vast emptiness here. Probably the best way to put it would be to imagine the Arsenal trophy cabinet then your getting closer.
There was a slight wind today which varied from a tailwind to side on. I was never riding against it which was a big bonus.
The hardest aspect today was the temperature. By 11am my gps was saying 35C and it didn't drop below that until about 5pm. The max temperature my gps hit was 40.6C!! But I guess it averaged out at 37C. When the wind picked up mid day it felt like a giant hair-dryer. Such hot air blasting was quite suffocating. The higher altitude thin air is gone but it seems the hot and humid air here is going to be tough going too.
The plains are definitely the place for music when you ride. There wasn't a huge amount of traffic and you can normally see anything coming ages before it reaches you. It really helped to break up the monotony.
It was quite strange passing through the various communities today. Most of the amenities in each town were closed down and the places felt like ghost towns.
It was touch and go getting food and water in time because of this but I managed, just. I will definitely take extra in the coming days.
I think I have turned myself into a cycling machine! Despite the heat all day, in 9 hours I covered 114.25 miles. It wasn't easy but my legs seen to have coped. It was difficult taking in enough water but I don't think I got too dehydrated.
I hit the road at 9.30am, which is too late when you plan on riding all day. I could have covered 40/50 miles in those missed 2.5 hours.
It was already 33 degrees C by the time i set off so it was clearly going to be a very hot day. The climate was noticeably much more humid too.
I was quickly out of Pueblo, a town of about 80,000 people. The pattern for the day, and probably the next few weeks emerged. Flat, straight roads with little undulation and few things to look at on the horizon. There were lots of interesting clouds about and I was keeping an eye out for any big cumulo nimbus formations.
It's hard to easily and accurately describe the vast emptiness here. Probably the best way to put it would be to imagine the Arsenal trophy cabinet then your getting closer.
There was a slight wind today which varied from a tailwind to side on. I was never riding against it which was a big bonus.
The hardest aspect today was the temperature. By 11am my gps was saying 35C and it didn't drop below that until about 5pm. The max temperature my gps hit was 40.6C!! But I guess it averaged out at 37C. When the wind picked up mid day it felt like a giant hair-dryer. Such hot air blasting was quite suffocating. The higher altitude thin air is gone but it seems the hot and humid air here is going to be tough going too.
The plains are definitely the place for music when you ride. There wasn't a huge amount of traffic and you can normally see anything coming ages before it reaches you. It really helped to break up the monotony.
It was quite strange passing through the various communities today. Most of the amenities in each town were closed down and the places felt like ghost towns.
It was touch and go getting food and water in time because of this but I managed, just. I will definitely take extra in the coming days.
I think I have turned myself into a cycling machine! Despite the heat all day, in 9 hours I covered 114.25 miles. It wasn't easy but my legs seen to have coped. It was difficult taking in enough water but I don't think I got too dehydrated.