I rode my bicycle to Niagra Falls !!!!!!!!
I allowed myself a lie in and a low mileage day today. I left home at 9 am and went looking for breakfast. After I had eaten at Tim Hortons, Canada's staple coffee and doughnut shop, I made the journey to Niagra Falls.
It was further than I had mentally prepared for but still only 23 Miles. I was riding with real anticipation and excitement at seeing such a famous landmark and hoped it would live up to expectations.
I decided to check into another motel just before hitting the tourist zone. I wanted to savour the spectacle rather than rushing some sightseeing and riding on. This is after all one of the highlights and major milestones of my trip across the States, and now Canada.
After showering and changing out of my scary cycling shorts, I headed (on only a 5/10 minute ride) to the falls. I wasn't sure if I would be approaching it from the top or the bottom. When I hit the river it was flowing in the same direction I was riding, so was pleased as this meant I would be viewing from the top.
It was a great spectacle. The amount of water you watch flowing over the side, so quickly and with such power is really impressive.
You wouldn't think a lake could sustain such an escape of water but that says something about the size of the Great Lakes.
There were tourist viewing points at every angle. At the bottom, at the top, in boats, in helicopters, in high rise buildings, on a bridge. looking over to the American side you could see they also had all the same bases covered.
Every available viewing point was full of tourists.
I'm looking forward to passing through again at 7am tomorrow when hopefully it will be a bit easier to get a good viewpoint. It was still great to be there today though.
It was absolutely roasting. After checking out the falls I ventured into town to look for a barbers. When I finally found one the lady cutting my hair asked why I was riding my bike on a day like this. I said I wasn't really, this was just a day off.
The next 4 days are supposed to be extremely hot and humid too so my mileage may be on the low side. I'm going to try to get on the road before 7am to beat the heat of the day. It may be a little difficult though because I'm treating myself to a celebratory beer today.