Having had a relaxing evening in Herington I set off late this morning.
Much later than normal.
I wasn't on the road until 10.30 which was a bit of a gamble bearing in mind I needed to cover 89 miles in windy conditions.
In the end it was a good days riding and I didn't suffer too much for the slow start. It was very hot but I was pretty lucky with the wind direction. I was rarely riding into a headwind which is the most important thing.
Most if the journey was very desolate. I rode through 2 towns and again everything seemed closed or shut down. I found 1 shop open and bought a few bits of food to keep me going.
Early on I found my first turtle crossing the road. I would like to say I saved it but as I approached it it was just stepping to safety. Instead I think I just annoyed it a little. He didn't look to pleased to see me.
Kansas has progressively become more and more picturesque and today was no exception. Beautiful green fields and hills all the way.
The clouds were looking angrier today. They seemed a lot bigger and climbed higher. From hoping not to see any Tornadoes, I have now been positively willing 1 to appear on the horizon. Views reach for miles so its quite realistic to see 1 and not be too close to it.
I have asked a few local people and a lot have witnessed Tornadoes. 1 person said they had seen 10!!!
I have to say I have enjoyed riding away from the official ACA bike route. I have seen fewer touring cyclists but had much better interactions with local people.
On the ACA bike routes there are tons of cyclists doing similar things. The towns on route are thoroughly used to cycle tourists crossing their paths. It's nothing new to them but it is to me!
It's been refreshing meeting people away from the main cycling route. Someone passing through their town riding coast to coast is far from the norm.
I have now ridden 454 miles in the last 7 days. Tomorrow I ride to Kansas City where I hope to enjoy a day off.